Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Letter 144: Shambolic Universal Credit and suffering little children.

'Dear Dave,
Fifty eight days to the general election and counting, my head was swirling with questions last night as I watched Channel 4's Dispatches programme about Universal Credit. Questions such as: has Iain Duncan Smith
 lied to Parliament about Universal Credit? If so, should he be made to explain himself? At the very least, he should surely be investigated by Trading Standards for his shameful misrepresentation of the efficacy of his flagship policy? 

He doesn't exactly have the golden touch does he? There seems to be increasing alarm about the reforms he's masterminded. I've read somewhere that he's a devout Christian, but maybe he's misunderstood the Scriptures. 100,000 children going hungry due to their parents benefits being cut orsanctioned, now that's just criminal, isn't it?
Have a word, won't you - after all, we all know Jesus said "Suffer the little children", but I doubt He meant for your DWP to take Him literally...

Yours, etc'

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