Sunday, 15 May 2011

Letter No 21: Fear of Flashman and Selective Hearing

Like many a canny politician, David Cameron is aware of his image. Dare I suggest he might even be a little self important at times? It's reassuring that so many can see through why "call me Dave" likes to keep it real. Where political damage limitation is concerned, speed is of the essence and Dave's stint in PR has taught him when to make a sacrifice or two and when to use other people's tragedy to his own end. For a very well thought out piece on this last point, I suggest you read this article on the itsmotherswork site.
But of late it seems that Dave might have been juggling too much. He and Nick have promised a great deal of reform in this first term of the Coalition, maybe the 'big experiment'  distracts him from thinking about his performance and the mask slips from time to time. Thank goodness for his aides - they can always be relied on set him back on course.

We are still left however, with the issue of his selective hearing. When so many more are opposed to his NHS reform than for and the media presents us with article after video after article . We all need to get involved in making Dave listen, if only to remind him of the time when he thought of the NHS as "one of the 20th Centuries greatest achievements". 

My feeling is, as I watch the truth being revealed bit by unpalatable bit, if we want to save our NHS we'll ALL have to join in the fight for it. 

12/05/11 Here is something you might want to get involved with and pass on too:

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Letter No 20: Nick's aboutface charge to save the NHS

Did you see Newsnight yesterday? 

Want to make your voice heard? Do you remember the Coalition's aborted attempt to privatise the forests? If you do, you'll remember how effective speaking out against the idea was. Now would be a very good time to send a hand written letter to your M.P. telling him/her what you think of the Coalition NHS reforms. And if you feel like signing a petition that will get noticed, that marvelous group 38 Degrees have come up with another chance to show your support. Pass it on...

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Letter No 19: AV and the disappointing performance of the No Campaign

So tomorrow we vote... Are you for or against AV? Despite the predicted defeat, I am 'for' because as I say in my letter to Dave, I believe FPTP serves two party politics best and I'm all for making the system even a tiny bit fairer for all of us. The No Campaign has been ugly and depressing to witness; the self interested (mostly Conservative) bankrolled by the rich and powerful, losing sight of the fact that good politics and persuasion are the best way forward for the country, however you vote.  Their conduct has diminished them in the eyes the electorate at a time when respect for politicians is already low.