Saturday 13 October 2012

Letter 87: Is the NHS a cash cow for Conservatives AND private health providers?

"Dear Dave,
Wow! I am seriously amazed by this... Is it true that  more than £10,200,000 has been donated to the Conservative Party from people/organisations who have since gained contracts, or are benefitting in other ways from privatising/outsourcing NHS services? Does that include £2,000,000 in donations  from shareholders in Serco and Circle? I've heard they've been lucky enough to gain contracts in the NHS worth billions. All I can add is..."MOO!!"

With best wishes, etc "

(Many thanks to Mike Sivier at Vox Political for the questions and link Dr Eoin Clark's data.)

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Letter 86: Tax cuts: How many of the Cabinet are "all in it together"?

"Dear Dave,
Is what Ed Miliband said yesterday in his speech to the Labour Party Conference true? I know he's asked you about this before (at the last PMQs in fact, but you chose then not to give an answer).
So, is it true that you will be £40,000 better off each year as a result of your Coalition Government's decision to reduce the top rate tax from 50p to 45p?
How about George Osborne? Philip Hammond? Andrew Mitchell? Anyone else in the Cabinet?

Yours, with best wishes etc"