Friday, 28 September 2012

Letter 85: It's the Mitchell and pleb show....

"Dear Dave,
How long before being the bad news story is too much for a minister? To my reckoning, Andrew Mitchell and "plebgate" have been your bad news for NINE days now. That's bad. No wonder he wants to draw a line under the whole unpleasant affair. But, blaming the media for the story not going away seems very shortsighted. While his apology is welcome, surely he must be able to see that until he is absolutely clear about what he did say, the media must do their job and keep asking for the truth?
It is getting boring though. And you yourself must be worried about that unpleasant impression that your party is being "led by arrogant, rich poncey men with an acute sense of entitlement" sticking, (or so Benedict Brogan said in the Telegraph on 21.09.12). Here's a suggestion that might help to dispel that view; I read it in the Letters page of the Evening Standard on 25.09.12.

"It is extraordinary that Andrew Mitchell has apparently drawn more sustained anger from the Police Federation than Manchester police murder suspect Dale Cregan. Mitchell and the officers should swear an oath on what they said and heard in front of a magistrate, to settle this matter once and for all."

Unless of course there's something to hide?

With best wishes, etc"

(Thanks to Stephen Deane who penned the letter in the Evening Standard)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely agree, and very well written. Job Requirement Letter