Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Letter 69: Jubilee, workfare; a tale of two cities

"Dear Dave,
Wednesday, post Jubilee and those of us with jobs are back at work. There will be much to remember from the past three days, but the over-riding memory for me will be this:
While you celebrated, unemployed young people were exploited. Sadly it would appear that one of your policies is at the heart of the story. Quite an achievement to be in the public eye at a time of pomp and circumstance. I hear that Close Protection UK also have an Olympic contract. May we expect further upstaging at the Games, too? 
By the way, Nick - you're not in the clear either. Your party manifesto speaks of "fair future, fair chance, fair deal". After reading about those kids, duped into being bussed into London to sleep under a bridge in the cold before stewarding for fourteen hours for no pay, I'd say "Fat chance".
With best wishes,"

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