Wednesday 7 September 2011

Letter 36:Andrew, Dave and Nick - no thanks, I don't want your McNHS

If ever there was a day when Parliament let us down it was today, when the Health Bill cleared it's Commons stages. Selling the NHS for private profit is wrong. Tomorrow, the fight continues to save the NHS. Let's hope there's more people with a conscience in the House of Lords to join it.




Nicky said...

Very well said. Here's hoping the Lords have the wisdom to reject this atrocious bill.

Anonymous said...

Your letters are always beautiful and beautifully put.

I despair at what appears to be the wilful disregard for public and professional views about the NHS reforms, which you rightly say is a top-down restructure of the kind that David Cameron vowed wouldn't be implemented. Too little time has been spent reviewing the changes. Health organisations rushed to refute Cameron's claims of their support after PMQs. And still the bill passed.

I also think it's a scandal that there was so little BBC news coverage of the bill this week.

Peer pressure!

Bern O'Donoghue said...

Thanks both.
SequinPeacock - you're right about the peers, have started already, but the more the merrier. Which ones are you getting in touch with?

Anonymous said...

The TUC page assigned me to Baroness Goudie. Letter is being drafted now!

Bern O'Donoghue said...

Fantastic! I've applied for another one and been given Lord West of Spithead so after I send one to Nick, I'll be on it too! Great that you're getting involved.